Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Site Crit/Proposals

I. Two Links:
Syndicate Design Studios /

II. Site Crit -
1. I think that the main thing that makes the site successful is the usage of distinctive imagery in the background. The site is easy to navigate and it gives you the option of high and low bandwidth versions of the site.

2. The navigation of the site is pretty basic and easy to use. It has a bar that runs near the top of the page that lists all of the main link areas. There are also buttons or arrows that allow you to go to other pages in that section.

3. Color: Most of the color on the site comes from the background while the descriptive text is all white on a grey or black background. Texture: Texture is represented in the various images. Motion: Most of the motion comes in the form of transitions where the text or an item moves into the page. Once the page is loaded there isn't anything actively moving around. Sound: When the page is initially loaded it plays part of a clip of one of Rush's songs. It randomly plays a different time each time you enter the site. Typography: The site uses a sans serif font that is slightly condensed conveying a modern image for their music. Visual Hierarchy: The important items are located above the background layer. Information Hierarchy: The information on the site has headers that are either bolded or in a different color than the body text, creating a heiarchy of importance. The body text is white with links in red.

4. This site is a website for the rock band Rush. It contains news, pictures and other information about the band. This site exists for fans of the group.

III. Links to previous web work: is the only one that is still up and running. I have done a others over the years but they are no longer available online.

IV. Any ideas for first project:
I have a few ideas cooking in my head but they just don't seem ready to come out yet.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Graphic Interface Design

This a new blog that I will be using for my fall 2009 Graphic Interface Class at USU. More to come later.